Last Updated on 09/01/2022 by Krishna
In this post, we are going to talk about 15 useful Telegram bots for all. If you are not familiar with bots, then this will be a new thing for you. But don’t worry, we’ll make it easy so that you can get to it easily. If you are a Telegram user, then this will prove to be very helpful for you. And if you are not, then you should try Telegram. Telegram is one of my favorite apps. Because it provides many such features which are not available in any app. Before getting started, first of all, let’s talk about bots.
What is a bot?

A bot is a kind of program or robot that does some specific task. It is written in some programming languages like python, java, PHP, etc. But don’t worry, you need not know about these languages to use them. If you want to create a specific bot, then you need to know about programming language. For a user, you do not even have to think about it. Each bot is designed to perform specific tasks. A bot is very helpful in websites and apps. There are bots in almost every social media. And every social media use it to make our work easier. In this, we are going to talk about 15 useful Telegram bots.
How to join a telegram bot?
To use any bot in Telegram, the steps are almost the same for each bot. First, search the username in the search box and open that bot. Now click on start and check the menu for services. If you don’t like them, you can delete them. You can use as many bots as you want. But before using any bot, I suggest you analyze it first whether it is safe to use it or not.
List of 15 useful Telegram Bots.
1. Song ID bot
Username @SongIDbot
This bot can scan music from videos and audio clips. Sometimes we listen to a song or some of his lines. And we want to get the whole song. So this will come in handy. Just record that song and upload it. You can also upload a video clip. And this bot gives you details and links to that song. It will provide youtube, Spotify, and Deezer links, so use any platform you feel comfortable with.
2. Verify bot
Username @VerifyBot
You have seen on many social media that some people have verified profiles. A verified profile means their profile is verified by that social platform, whether it is a web or app platform. After being verified by a specific platform, a blue tick will appear at the side of their profile name. So this bot will help you verify yourself in telegram. You can verify channel, group, and bot. Please see the guidelines before submitting a link. It will prevent you from any trouble in verification.
3. Get public URL
Username @KL_GetPublicUrlBot
This bot can generate links for media. If you want to download any file through your browser, then use this bot. Before sending any file, they ask to join their channel. So, first of all, join the channel and start using it. Just send the file, and it will generate a link. Copy and paste the link in your browser.
4. TroJanz Youtube DL
Username @YouTubev2HEXbot
To download a video of youtube, you use an application or website. But this bot can help you to get rid of those unnecessary applications. It is a youtube video downloader bot. To use it, first, you have to join their channel. And after that, send the link to the video. And it will give you the option to choose the file format. Choose a format, and it will let you download the video on your device. It is simple to use.
5. TroJanz knowho bot
Username @KnoWhoHEXbot
It is a kind of Truecaller. Give this bot a mobile number, and it will give you details about that number. I can’t say that all the details are very accurate, but at least we can get some details. The source of the information is Truecaller.
6. Voicy
Username @voicybot
Voicy helps you convert your voice to text. You can upload your audio file, and it will give you a text file. Before using it, please set the language first. It will help you in the conversion.
7. Text to speech
Username @textTSBot
It will convert your text to audio. First, set the language, and send your text file to this bot. And it will give you an audio file of that text.
8. Dr. web
Username @DrWebBot
Dr. web is an antivirus bot. You can check any files before downloading whether it is safe to download them or not. It scans your files and gives you a report. You can send the link, image, audio, video, and app files.
9. Shieldy
Username @shieldy_bot
Shieldy is helpful for group admins. It will help you to fight spammers. It will give you many action control that you can perform in your channel. Actions like greetings, ban users, verify users, and many more. You can see the action control after starting the bot. And one more thing, this bot act in your group, So before using it, Add it to your group as admin.
10. Dropmail
Username @DropmailBot
Dropmail creates fake mail. You can use it on any website or app. Every day we visited many websites, and some of them, ask us to create an account to use his services. And we do not want to use our email. Some people use another email for this purpose. But still, you have to remember your credentials. You can use this bot to solve the problem of creating and maintaining extra mails.
11. Fake mail
Username @fakemailbot
It is also the same as drop mail. You can create fake mail and use it according to your needs. There is one thing I want to tell you about email verification. All these fake email addresses work fine. But some websites allow only known domains, So it might be possible that it says the wrong email. So don’t mind if it does not work on some sites.
12. File Converter
Username @newfileconverterbot
File conversion will be so easy with this bot. You don’t need to download any software for file conversion. Use this bot. It helps you to convert images, audio, and video into your desired format. Send the file to this bot. And it will show you the convertible format. Choose according to your need, and it will give you a converted file. You can download it.
13. Searchee bot
Username @SearcheeBot
It is a kind of directory of channels. We can search channels category-wise and by name too. Most newcomer faces the problem of finding the right channel. You can search here and join the channel. It is maybe possible that some of the listed channels will not be active state. So, in this case, find another one. I am sure you can easily find the channel. We can also add our channel to the Searchee bot list.
14. React bot
Username @ReactBot
If you have a channel and want to add some reaction under the post, then it will be helpful. Adding a reaction button under the post will create a good impression. User can express their feelings through it, and they can also comment on it. You can also customize the reaction according to your need. It works on your channel, so you’ll need to make it as admin before using it.
15. IMDb
Username @imdb
IMDB gives you details about movies and web series. Just give the name of the movie, and it will give you details of that movie. You can also check the rating of that movie and casting details too.
These are our 15 useful Telegram Bots. We have checked all the bots that we listed above. And every one of them is working fine till now. If any bot is not working, then don’t worry. Comment on it. And we will try to give some alternate of them. Sometimes some bots got banned. There is some technical and other reason behind the bot ban. But we don’t need to think about it. We have already published a post about some helpful websites. You should also check that.