Increase your website traffic using social cards.

Increase your website traffic

Last Updated on 14/10/2021 by Krishna

Increase your website traffic using social cards. Traffic is a big problem for every blogger. Today we are going to see a simple method to increase the traffic. We can do many things to increase the traffic of a website. Like, create a profile on social media, use backlinks, youtube, and many more ways. Mostly lot of people are using social media. So we are going to see how to reach them easily.

How to increase your website traffic?

Anyimage is a website that provides a facility to convert any image into a clickable social card. It gives us a link to that social card. And we can share our content by using those links. It is a free website, so you don’t have to pay anything. You can create a social card with or without an account. Let us see how Anyimage works.

Steps to make a social card

  • Open anyimage website.
  • Click on browse file. It will open your computer or gallery.

Increase your website traffic
  • Choose the image which you want to share.
  • Now you will see some text boxes.

Any image fill boxex Increase your website traffic
Text filled
  • The first one is for the title, So fill it with some attractive titles.
  • The second one is for description.
  • The third one is for the URL where you want to redirect the user if they click on it. So choose wisely.
  • And the last option is for card size. There is two option available to choose that is small and large.
  • The large size will look like as given below.
large size social card
Large size

  • The small size will look like as given below.

small size social card
Small size
  • Choose according to your need. And click on finish.
  • In the last, it will give you a link, copy it, and share it where you want.
social card final result
final result

When the user clicks on it, it will redirect to your website. It is simple and easy to draw attention by using social cards. We have also mentioned some google chrome extensions to increase the productivity of the author. Be sure to check the list.

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